Interesting Stuff
- My Experience with Kundalini Yoga - I took Kundalini Yoga during my last semester at college. Here's how it went.
- A Peace of the World - Kickstarter project I found that tries to film people all over the world meditating.
- YouTube Video: First Experience with meditation - YouTube video of someone's first time meditating.
- 80 Meditation Quotes - Meditation Quotes for inspiration!
- Who's Searching for Meditation and Yoga? - 2010 Google Trend results for meditation and yoga.
- Youtube Video: Meditating in Public - Video of someone meditating in public and seeing reactions.
- The Buddhist Flag - All about the Buddhist flag.
- Modern Meditations-Meditation Music that sounds familiar - Popular songs redone as meditation music.
- Binaural Beats: What are they and can they help you? - Learn a bit how sounds can help you meditate.
- Tips for High School - How to survive high school and how meditation can help.
- A Quick Story - A story about where ultimate power lies.
- Opinions
- Should They Teach Meditation in Schools? - Opinion piece on should they teach meditation in schools.