Posts tagged as: video
- Kirtan Kriya (Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation) - A technique I learned while taking a Kundalini Yoga class.
- What causes hallucinations and sounds while meditating? - Seeing and hearing strange sounds while meditating can be concerning. Is there an explanation?
- My Experience with Kundalini Yoga - I took Kundalini Yoga during my last semester at college. Here's how it went.
- Motionless Meditation - A meditation technique where you do not move. AKA Strong Determination Sitting.
- Counting Meditation Techniques - Meditation techniques that are as simple as counting.
- A Peace of the World - Kickstarter project I found that tries to film people all over the world meditating.
- YouTube Video: First Experience with meditation - YouTube video of someone's first time meditating.
- Right Brain Meditation - Visualization technique to quiet down thoughts.
- Youtube Video: Meditating in Public - Video of someone meditating in public and seeing reactions.
- Modern Meditations-Meditation Music that sounds familiar - Popular songs redone as meditation music.
- Binaural Beats: What are they and can they help you? - Learn a bit how sounds can help you meditate.
- How to Meditate: Video - Video on how to meditate by focusing on the breath.
- Is Meditation Hard? - How difficult is meditation, really?
- Meditating with Music: Harmful or Helpful? - There's a debate on if one should mediate with music. Who's right?
- Misconceptions of Meditation - Mythbusting meditation misconceptions